In der heutigen Zeit ist die Vermischung von Sprachen keine Seltenheit. Die Globalisierung und der Zugang zu einer internationalen Welt durch das wohl mächtigste Medium der Welt, also dem Internet, wird die Vermischung sogar noch mehr angespornt. Dennoch gibt es Sprüche und Redewendungen, die bei einer wörtlichen Übersetzung für Fragezeichen und ein Schmunzeln sorgt.
Um das Weihnachtsfest zu versüßen und die Stimmung humorvoll etwas zu lockern sind hier, abseits von den traditionellen Weihnachtsgrüßen auf deutsch, ein paar Weihnachtsgrüße in Denglisch zusammengefasst, die mit Sicherheit in Erinnerung bleiben und für Aufsehen sorgen.
Hello friend of ours, we wish you a Merry Christmas and a good slide in the new year.
To all of our lovely relatives, be blessed and happy holidays.
Be blessed my friends and be cute with one another, it is Christmas time, so love each other.
Love friends, a peaceful Christmas Party and everything good for the new year.
Hello love family,
a Merry and contemplative Christmas Party we wish. Be blessed and good slide in the new year.
Love parents, lovely Christmas greetings and all the good wishes for you.
Dear friends of ours, to Christmas we wish you pleasant hours in happy round, but also quiet and time to relax.
Dear …,
may peace and the god´s blessing you to Christmas and the whole new year escort. We wish you that from all of heart.
Love …,
light, happiness, hope and blessing – for the holidays we wish you friend of ours. Be blessed and slip without slip in the new year!
Hello my friend,
Christmas means time with family to spend and thankfulness to show. Be greeted and enjoy your christmas in full trains!
To my love sister / brother,
for Christmas I hope you are well and have a good time. Take care of you, I wish you what!
Auch interessant:
- Lustige Weihnachtswünsche
- Weihnachtswünsche für WhatsApp
- Kurze Weihnachtswünsche
- Weihnachtswünsche für Kollegen
- Lustige Weihnachtsgedichte
Dear …,
it is happening again like every year. So be smart and do not blue. It’s Christmas time for me and you. Enjoy the time it is the true!
Hello my friend,
I like you much, so enjoy the time of Christmas luck. I wish you also a good slip in the new year.
Dear …,
everything love and everything good to Christmas we wish.
Love parents,
we love you much and miss you much. Special to Christmas we do that most. We wish you what. In love your …
Hello Mr. / Mrs. …,
we wish you for Christmas much love and security. Have a beautiful time with your lovers.
Hello …,
to Christmas all the best. Enjoy your common ground and celebrate very well.
Dear love family,
enjoy your live in Christmas and celebrate in full trains. I also wish you a good slip in the new year, but be careful and don’t slip out.
Hello father and Hello mother,
I love you much and miss our common ground. Nevertheless I wish you Merry Christmas. Stay in security!
Hi my friend,
for Christmas I hope you what!
Dear …,
Christmas means security and common ground. For that time I wish you that. Peace out and party hard!
Hello my Love,
Christmas is knocking at the door. Take care and enjoy that in full trains.
Auch interessant:
- Weihnachtsgrüße auf Englisch
- Weihnachtswünsche als Gedichte
- Weihnachtswünsche für Freunde
- Nikolausgrüße
- Adventsgedichte
Hello Mr. / Mrs. …,
we hope your live is good and your mind is clear for Christmas this year. Good celebrations we wish you for that. In love …
Hey my friend,
I wish you all the best for Christmas this year. Have a nice time and hand full of beer.
For our …,
we say hello and think about you for Christmas time it is next up to you. We wish you what!
Dear …,
we wish you a Merry Christmas this year. Be blessed and good for the feast in this here.
Love parents,
sometimes it is time for be happy and not rude. So we write you to get on this mood. We wish you a Merry Christmas for this time and hope we will get together in the next time.
Dear …,
satt safe and enjoy your Christmas. For that I wish you what!
Weitere Themen:
- Weihnachtsgrüße auf Englisch
- Frohe Weihnachten auf Englisch
- Weihnachtsgedichte auf Englisch
- Weihnachtsgedichte für Karten
- Adventskalender Sprüche
Love friend,
I hope you are OK and you enjoy your Christmas in full trains. Be happy and don’t slip out in the next year!
Hello …,
for Christmas is this letter here, to wish you a good one also in this year. In love…
Dear …,
we hope you are fine and you are in common ground to have a Merry Christmas in a beautiful round.
Dear …,
we say hello and wish you all the best for you and your lovers in the Christmas feast.
Hello …,
we hope you are good and stay in security in the time oof Christmas philosophy. In love…